• !(photo)https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/IMG_3459.jpg(Man hole cover in snow)!

    Manhole Cover in Brooklyn.

    Just got back from a grueling day in Philadelphia. Although not at all stressful, just the sheer amount of traveling has completely worn me out. Phili while a beautiful city has one major failing in my mind, which I cannot forgive… it’s just too far away from Brooklyn.

  • !(photo)https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/IMG_1589.jpg(Sat in snowy benches in Central Park)!

    Benches in Central Park after last weeks snow storm.

  • !(photo)https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/IMG_1657.jpg(shoots coming up through snow)!

    On the walk over to the subway stop today I saw, even though snow and ice covered, momma’ nature is waking up. So, if you’re having a particularly rough cold spell, remember that winter’s days *are numbered.*

  • !https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/giantsteps1.png(Giant Steps Flash Animation)!

    Giant Steps by “Michal Levy”:http://michalevy.com/ is a piece of flash animation to the tune of John Coltraine’s _Giant Steps._ It paints a visual picture of the music as each note builds upon the last, creating a striking architectural composition. It was composed as a graduation project for the The academy of Arts and Design, Bezalel.

    !https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/giantsteps2.png(Detail still from animation)!

    When I listen to music I see colors and shapes and when I watch visual art I hear sounds. I wanted to express my sensing of shapes colors and music in this short movie.

    I have chosen a short Jazz piece, which I have known for many years of my playing the saxophone: “Giant Steps” by John Coltraine. Coltraine made a major break through with his album “Giant Steps” in the year 1959. It was the first time in the history of Jazz music that someone based his music on symmetrical patterns, which stemmed from a mathematical division of the musical scale.

    The structural approach of John Coltraineto music is associated with architectural thinking. The musical theme defines a space and the musical improvisation is like someone drifting in that imaginary space.

    “Architecture is crystallized music”. Goethe.

    via “DayPop”:http://www.daypop.com/top/

  • iPod Photo iconThe Iconfactory has just released a new set of swank iPod icons that you can’t help but want to stick on Yo’ Pod. The set features all the newest iPods, iPod minis, and the iPod Shuffle. Pick up your set today and color your iPod fabulous.

    Did I mention they’re free?