Category: Books

  • Typophonic – Album Cover Typography

    Typophonic – Album Cover Typography

    Typophonic is a site about album cover typography. It is great and an awesome place to find retro inspiration. If you are a fan of Jazz covers, might I suggest Tashen’s Jazz Covers book. The print version is very expensive, but the iPad version is cheap and beautiful!

  • Renewed Writing

    I’ve recently been reading Mike Birbiglia‘s Sleepwalk with Me: and Other Painfully True Stories and really been enjoying it. There have been some full on laugh-out-loud moments and I normally don’t laugh-out-loud while reading — I hate those people. But now I’m one of those people and I have been thinking, I should write more!…

  • Not For Tourists Guides Free (as PDFs)

    I love my Not For Tourist Guide for New York City that I purchased back in 2003. While I don’t look at it much, it has been invaluable for solving arguments, finding restaurants, and navigating the oddly named streets of Soho that I just never have committed to memory. Problem is, just like with all…