Category: Everyday

  • Taking it Back

    The following post uses strong language not suitable for some children, please discontinue reading if you are offended by strong language. *Now, don’t get me wrong.* I feel for the prisoners of the US Military that were abused, tortured, humiliated, raped, and any other outrageous act that was inflicted upon them. That my country’s military…

  • Spring

    Oh, joy. Spring again! Now it’s undeniable. The flowers are falling from the tees and leaves are sprouting all over. It makes it hard to believe two months ago there were none. It is the season for better spirits, resolutions, new projects, and of course _bitching BBQ parties._ The unfortunate part about urban living, is…

  • eBay Here I Come

    I have started selling my stuff on eBay to, in some way, make room for more stuff. The catalyst for all this is the (hopeful) arrival of a new guitar. Things I have to get rid of: # CDs I don’t listen to # Books I don’t read # Movies I don’t watch # Guitars…

  • Going on Vacation

    Going on Vacation

    I remember the first time I saw Frances. Diane brought me to their summer house on Long Island for a weekend at the beach in 2002. Diane and I had been seeing each other for a few months, and it was now time to meet the parents. The whole parent meeting thing is always a…

  • Cutting Boards

    Recently, Diane and I have been in a heated debate about cutting boards. I believe that wood are best to cut meat. She believes that plastic is best. Who’s right? We’ve consulted Risa one of our [many] nutritionist friends and she responded that plastic were best. Why? The fact is after a quick “Google search”:…