Category: Everyday
The Life and Times of a Rock-n-Roll Shut-in
!(photo) Stevens)! _Sufjan Stevens at SouthPaw November 14th 2004._ I’ve decided, as one does from time to time, to go to more shows. I have been woefully inadequate on going to live shows for the last few months and I am thoroughly sick of it. I have absolutely no excuse for not going other than…
I damn thee Weblog
Do I have a weblog? The last time I checked I did, but then again that was a long time ago. Back in the _olden timey_ days of 2004. Hello weblog how have you been? I guess it’s all the podcasts I have been busy recording, but my website is absurdly slow recently whenever I…
Alright Kiddies
I’m all packed up and the last thing on the checklist is my laptop so I decided to say thank you to all you awesome listeners, friends, and occasional readers for your inspirational words of kindness. I will be gone a week and I doubt very highly that I will be at places with internet…
Flipping Cold
No, I mean really guys it’s outrageously cold in the city today. The wind blows and your nads jump right up into your neck to avoid the chill. I really wish this global warming thing would hurry it’s ass up. Last night I stayed awake spraying hairspray out my window trying desperately to deplete this…
I wish I was still on Vacation
This week has been way too much for me. All the projects in 2004 have gone critical in 2005. Everything went terribly wrong while I was away on my lazy week vacation and now god is making me pay. *Seems like I never had a vacation to begin with.* Then, to compound things, Funtime Diane…