!(photo)https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/IMG_1207.jpg(Sufjan Stevens)!
_Sufjan Stevens at SouthPaw November 14th 2004._
I’ve decided, as one does from time to time, to go to more shows. I have been woefully inadequate on going to live shows for the last few months and I am thoroughly sick of it. I have absolutely no excuse for not going other than my own laziness and quite frankly that just doesn’t cut it. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that Funtime Diane just isn’t into seeing all the rocking bands that I would love to see… I guess I will have to suck it up and just go by myself if necessary… or go with pals… or maybe even listeners of _Tracks Up the Tree._ although that would totally depend if they are stalkers or not… What do you guys think? Anybody in the New York City interested in seeing a show with your buddy Funtime Ben? Or is that just desperate?
The next show I was planning to go see would be on Saturday March 26 at “Bowery Ballroom”:http://www.boweryballroom.com/
* “Crooked Fingers”:http://www.crookedfingers.com/ you’ve got to hear these guys – excellent music.
* “The Dears”:http://www.thedears.org/ sound like a soulful Moressy need I say more?
* “Liz Durrett”:http://www.lizdurrett.com/ a little surprise. She’s an awesome female vocalist I will definitely play a few tracks of hers on TUTT.
Looks like a cool show.
So thats the new plan. No more excuses. I really have to get out more often and see the bands I want to, before I grow old and loose my teeth. Pathetic as it might be…
*Anybody want to go with me?*
(Other Shows I would love to see Bloc Party, M.Ward, Wolf Parade, Robbers on High Street, The Decemberists.)
p(update). I will definitely be attending this gig with Funtime Diane, so if you want to join up – drop me a comment and we can have a few beers before the show. Anyone coming to the show will also receive a limited edition _Tracks Up the Tree_ 1.5 inch button… but you’ll have to rsvp your buttons, cuz each one is custom.
11 responses to “The Life and Times of a Rock-n-Roll Shut-in”
Yo Benny…I want to go. I only know the Beatles and Bob Dylan. And some band called "Weezel" or "Weezer" or some shit? Anywhore…did you see that Robbers on High Street have been the house band on Last Call with Crapass Daly? Weird. Okey doke. Rocking show this weekend…let's do it!
I'm there-just tell me when…are you interested in the Bonnie "Prince" Billy show April 21st? I'm buying tix soon!
Also dude when are you gonna link me?:)
Aww, thanks "Amy" :http://amy.upthetree.com/ you rock. You know, out of all the music I listen too, surprisingly I don't think I've ever heard any Bonnie "Prince" Billy. I will search out some rocking tunes… maybe he has some tracks on his website I can play on the show. Oh and for linkage, I have been thinking about putting a *Friends* link in my sidebar, but haven't gotten to it yet… Of course by making a comment here you are also making your own links. Of course you do have a picture of me and my belt buckle on your site so I should really send some folks over. Thanks for the heads up. Oh, and I was just joking when I set up your site with _Best site in the world EVER_ you can totally change that or remove it completely… I'm only the second best site in the world EVER.
Yo Ben,
Go and see Bloc Party! I'm over from London the weekend of March 19 & 20th to visit some mates. I couldn't find any decent music on except maybe Slint at the Irving Plaza. Any suggestions?
MK ("Not Your Usual Bollocks Podcast" :http://www.notyourusualbollocks.squarespace.com)
I would totally go see Bloc Party, but all the tickets are sold out. A great place to find upcoming music in NYC and the surrounding 5 burroughs is at "Earlash.com" :http://www.earlash.com/ It's definitely worth a visit.
hello benny boy.
i would go to shows with you but since you never respond to my emails i have put you on 'friend probation' . awww SNAP. take that.
Uh-oh… I can explain!
I was at the Sufjan Stevens show, mo fo, so don't know what you are talking about when you say I'm not interested in going to shows. Might I remind you that we were running around like crazy the weekend of the S.S. show, and even tho I was EXHAUSTED and OVERSTRETCHED I pulled it together that night and went to Southpaw with you. Yeah, I was cranky, Yeah, I was nasty, but so what? I represented, didn't I? Don't you diss me on my wanting-to-see-rocking-shows potential. We are having a talk when we get home. All my love, Funtime Diane
Oh boy. Man, am I good with the ladies or what!?
totally would go to the show on the 26th. i'm also into the idea of the camper von beethoven show that week.. know why? I'M OLD. i think we may have an extra ticket to the slint show, if you have any interest.
Where's our button? Can we have a button?