Category: Music

  • TUTT: The Break Up Pt.2

    Part 2 of the break-up show. We have moved away from the hurt into the arms of recovery… er.. I mean alcohol. Yes it’s another installment of your funtime pals, whipping up a dish best served cold. The Songs: Mexico by The King of France on The King of France Stormy Weather by Nina Nastasia…

  • TUTT: The Break Up Pt.1

    Oh it’s been so long and it’s been so cold, but we’re back dear devoted listeners AGAIN with more shenanigans than ever. We’re still a little rusty, but Josiah and I get back into the swing of things pretty quickly. We talk about personal things that have been adding complications with me recently. It’s one…

  • Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds ala William Shatner

    What could I say that would stop you from clicking on this link to a video of William Shatner’s version of Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds? Not much.

  • On the Subject of Rock-Kicks

    Yes, I know. Where the hell is the next podcast? Yes, Yes. I too feel your pain, but I assure you all that I am working on it. When we sit down with you again I’m sure we’ll have a few surprises up our sleeves. Now onto the subject of rock-kicks, where have they gone…

  • TUTT: New New Years Resolutions

    Oh it’s been so long and it’s been so cold, but we’re back dear devoted listners with more shinnanigans than ever. We’re a little rusty, but Josiah and I get back into the swing of things pretty quickly. PLEASE NOTE: Due to sickness and fatigue I made two errors on the show A) Field Music…