Category: Everyday

  • “I see a baby Ben in Bib Stamp Coming…”

    Yes, it is true. A “Baby Ben Bib” stamp would be one hell of a cute stamp, but the risks are just too great. Also, what if somebody put your picture on a stamp and sent it to you. Stalker stamps! That would be totally creepy.

  • Styles Galore

    As you may have noticed, I have done some redecorating around here. There is now a *switcher* in the upper right hand corner, for any of you who might object to the new look and want my _Classic_ styling. To each his (or her) own. Tell me what you think, or if it looks really…

  • New Annoying Stamp Options

    _Warning, Sarcasm Ahead!_ Do you ever feel as if your stamp is just not speaking for you? Is your ego so big that you need your mug on your mail? Are you getting married and feel like the people you know would like to see the “studio” picture of you and your fiance? OH MY…

  • And We Are Back

    Although we don’t look any different, let me assure you that I went through heaven and hell trying to get this mother of a website back online. I am totally exhausted! Up the Tree has officially changed hosts, because we were being ignored by our last hosting company and therefore left. I actually tried to…

  • Kerry decides not to eat at Wendy’s

    In the Hudson Valley News, which you may know as one of the last bastions of truth in our society… I read an “article” about Kerry’s tour bus stopping at a Wendy’s in Newburgh New York to eat, when in fact the future president had already ordered food at a five-star restaurant. It turns out…