Although we don’t look any different, let me assure you that I went through heaven and hell trying to get this mother of a website back online. I am totally exhausted!
Up the Tree has officially changed hosts, because we were being ignored by our last hosting company and therefore left. I actually tried to call them to ask if I could pay more for a bigger plan which they never answered. I wanted to give them my money, but they just didn’t listen… so I waived my cash around and another hosting company snatched me up. We are proud to announce that “Dreamhost”: is our host of choice for the new year (and hopeful new president). If you too are unhappy switch over to Dreamhost, because they have awesome deals with webhosting, including the ability to host multiple domains! I have had really great success setting up new domains, handing out e-mail addresses, setting up MySQL databases, subdomains, list-serves, webmail… you name it, I’ve had a great experience.
So far I’ve set up:
“MovableType 2.661”: (because I’m too nervous to upgrade)
“WordPress”: (beacuse I want to move from MovableType to the free option)
“ShortStat”: (Stats the whole family can enjoy)
If you go, tell them (wac) sent you!