Category: Everyday

  • How (Do You) Order Food In A Restaurant

    Jason Kottke, Brooklyn’s resident professional Blogger, brings up an interesting few ideas on how to order food at a restaurant from authors in his post How to order food in a restaurant. Although none of the methods mentioned reflects the way I order food at restaurants. I ask my waiter or waitress which their favorite…

  • TED Ben, Ben TED

    So that “TED”: stuff was right on the money. It was a really phenomenal night of creative people who not only talk the talk, but have the money to walk the walk. Entrance into TED cost $4,400 per year and the only way to join is to be invited by a TED member. *You thought…

  • Me and TED

    I’m going to be heading off to a TED event tonight as the guest of a business associate here in NYC. She had originally planned to bring my father, but as he is slumming his way through London for this week, I am taking his place. TED is kind of like the organization for creative…

  • Celebrate Brooklyn announces their 2005 Calendar

    !(left photo) $3 at the gate)!: Marking the official beginning to my music calendar, “Celebrate Brooklyn”: has finally released their 2005 schedule. There are some real stunners on the line-ups and some real disappointments. The biggest disappointment for me is the lack of my indierockers in great amount on this years line up. *But then…

  • Flickd Out Blog

    After hours of desperate teeth pulling, the blog is finally ready for some flickr photographs. Surprisingly there was a lot of teeth pulling with the templates, but I think the final layout should be both attractive and accomodating to large flickr photographs. !(photo) Wheel)!: Of course I fully expect there to be tons of problems…