Category: Music

  • TUTT 47: The Bookend

    It’s a tiny show, for our tiny fans. Take that naysayers! No notes. Me = Lazy!

  • TUTT on the horizon

    I know most of you must be thinking, this guy has some nerve. talking to us without a podcast in hand, but let me assure you I have a podcast up my sleeve and t make matters worse, I think I may have figured out a way to do more of them in the future.…

  • Velvet Sugar

    Akshay asks “Hey Ben, I was wondering if you were planning to put up info about the “Sugar, Sugar” cover/remix you had early on in the show, I’d love to know who did it. Thanks!” You got it. It’s by Mark Vidler and you grab the track here. Sorry for not posting it earlier. I…

  • TUTT 46: Not Quite Goth

    All together now! PHEW! Fashion Zombies This Month Day 10 by CSS Roscoe by Midlake Alive Until Saturday Night by Hexes and Ohs Fashion Zombies Head Over Heels cover of Tear for Fears by Doveman Sorry, these links are completely screwed up, but I got to run… I’l fix em promise! LINK of the day!…

  • TUTT: Catch-Up if You Can

    Yeah, this was no picnic to put together, but it’s done. Josiah and I recorded this a few days back, but it wasn’t until last night I found the time to cut it up and root for songs. It’s about an hour long so hopefully it will satiate your hungers. Next show up a bit…