Category: Music

  • Google Play Icon for Fluid

    I have been using Google Play a lot more recently now that they have music matching and a free 20,000 song upload capacity. It is especially great when I’m at work and want to listen to a few of my tunes. However, I always forget I have the player open in my web browser and…

  • Audirvana Free

    Audirvana Free is the counterpart to the more full-featured Audirvana Plus mac application. While the interface may be a little hokey, it is the best sounding audio player I have ever found. Seriously, everything I listen to just sounds better with this player. The Gapless track RAM pre-caching, FLAC support, and system integrated volume means you…

  • Sonora

    Sonora is a tiny and elegant little replacement for iTunes that plays just about any music file you throw at it.

  • BBC – Podcasts and Downloads – The Infinite Monkey Cage

    The Infinite Monkey Cage is a BBC podcast about science AND comedy. If you like Qi, you will like this program. Personally, this show gives my brain boners! (iTunes link)

  • Amazon Cloud Player & Cloud Drive

    When Apple purchased LaLa last year, my favorite music streaming service ever, I have to say I was upset. LaLa had a wonderful model which put their users and the music they liked into a wonderfully social system. Unfortunately for LaLa, that system didn’t make much sense from a money-making standpoint and Apple bought them…