Category: Everyday
An Open Success!
The show went off without hitch. It was the best yet and I had a definite swagger throughout the show. I was even so ballsy as to rock some some accapella. You don’t have to take my word for it, I recorded the show for all my digital friends out there in digital land. While…
Convenient Logic
My thought is, if you’ve already bought the pint of ice-cream and you know you are eventually going to finish it… it doesn’t really matter if you finish it in a week, or today all in one sitting. (Another added plus is I have more room in my freezer today.)
Trip to the Vet
So my adopted daughter Pepper had her foot all in her ear on Friday. And while her foot is in her ear, she’s looking at me with this look as if to say “Man I wish I could get my foot further in my ear, but I’m having real trouble doing that right now.” This…
Bye Bye Photolog, Hello Photostack
You may have noticed that my while my weblog’s entries are down, my photolog’s entries are… kaput. It’s not that I’m not taking photo’s, but the process of getting them ready to be viewed is a pain in the ass and only allows for 1 photo at a time. *Untill Now* Welcome into my life…
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam…
How many spam messages do I get per week? Hundreds… sometimes thousands and it makes me mad. Very mad. Built in mail filters used to work for me, but then some idiots at some college did some research about how “If you rearrange the lterets in wrods tehy are stlil readable.” Shazam! The flood gates…