TUTT: New New Years Resolutions

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Oh it’s been so long and it’s been so cold, but we’re back dear devoted listners with more shinnanigans than ever. We’re a little rusty, but Josiah and I get back into the swing of things pretty quickly.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to sickness and fatigue I made two errors on the show A) Field Music is not available through emusic, Hockey Night is however! B) Yes upon further reading Cat Power’s new albums is NOT a greatest hits… sorry… we are idiots.

The Songs:

  1. For Guys’ Eyes Only by Hockey Night
  2. One in Every Crowd Viva Voce
  3. Stay by the Ladies and Gentlemen
  4. The Greatest by Cat Power
  5. You Can Decide by Field Music
  6. Chariot by Page France on
  7. You’ve Got Me All Wrong by Miguel Mendez
  8. Wicked Gil by Band of Horses

The Links


28 responses to “TUTT: New New Years Resolutions”

  1. Cindy Lou Hoo Avatar
    Cindy Lou Hoo

    Awesome show guys! A return of the kings of Independent music podcasts! Woot woot!

  2. i enjoy the spinto band, but damned if i'ma gon' pay fer it

  3. I guess it's all relative. I really think that artist deserve to be paid for their time and effort in making music… but I also believe is seeing artist at shows. So, part of my payment to them is that revenue as well. Fame and money are some complicated issues and something that I'm sure I could wax philosophical on for hours… especially when I'm kept up coughing at 1 AM.

  4. Happy birthday Sarah S!

  5. sarah s. Avatar
    sarah s.

    so boys — very nice show, and on my BIrTHday, no less! can i just say, to josiah — hope yer havin fun running around in orange pj’s & getting yelled at while i’m getting paid to taste SUSHI (for the first two weeks, anyway): that’s right, i now answer to a higher power: iron chef Morimoto! and to ben, i don’t know you but i can promise that a little E.L.O will bring you right out of the dumps! (or possibly depress you even more . . .)

  6. So glad yr back and planning on podcasting more often! I've found a lot of good music through yr show.

    Just an FYI: Cat Power's cd isn't a greatest hits cd. I would love to see you guys do more music reviews and stuff, but would like them more if you checked facts bit more….

    Hap-py New Year!


  7. How about, “I’d hug you but you’re covered in sperm.”

    I think that would make the better get well card.

    ps. that hockey night song rocked

  8. Just Josiah Avatar
    Just Josiah

    So Catpower just thinks she’s awesome. Great. Good for her. Hey Sarah S! Happy Bday and glad you’re rocking out the sushi!

  9. PodcastRant, I’d still hug you even if you were covered.

  10. I'm going to break tradition and try to limit my words here tonight, otherwise I'll end up on a rant about my job. This isn't the place for those thoughts.

    Thanks for the new show! It was a treat to see a new episode of (Tracks)UpTheTree in my podcast directory. I honestly had to double check the date when I saw it the first time. I didn't want to get too excited.

    I was up early on Thursday morning so I had a chance to listen to it while driving around with my dog, Zoe. I was running a couple errands at the butt-crack of dawn, before work. I have to admit that I was surprised to hear little old me mentioned on the show. On many blogs and podcasts comments can go relatively unnoticed, so that was a nice change.

    Just for the record, I do have my own blog, but most of the good stuff is private. I don't particularly want to link to it here because it's a family site that I operate. I have a big family that all participates in a drupal-based community site that I put together. I know I've mentioned this before, but I was thinking about taking part of my site public or starting a new site just to do music reviews. Our family site has blogs, music/book/movie-reviews, recipes, photos, etc. Unfortunately I have most of the content protected for registered users, that way we can keep personal thoughts personal. Family conversations can get carried away — and very personal.

    I just realized that this post is NOT breaking my tradition of lengthiness — I guess sub-consciously I didn't want to let anyone down.

    I'd love to contribute to the site, if that was really an invitation/offer. I have some ideas for a little 'section'. Maybe we should talk about it. I obviously love the show and I've been itching to do some web writing beyond the family site. Let me know what you think — or maybe you'd like to hear some ideas first. Let me know!

    I raise my proverbial glass to toast to a Great new year at Up The Tree! Not great as in greatest hits, but great as in self-congratulating, Cat Power album-title style.

    Disclaimer: I love Cat Power. She's made some amazing music and she continues to blow me away with each release. I haven't heard the latest album, except for the track on the last episode, but I will certainly give it some mind-space when I have the time to give it a proper listen.


  11. Awesome comment FL, I too love Cat Power. Even though we ripped on her, I have 3 of her albums and listen to them regularly.

  12. great show, boyz. lotsa hatingz! i'm not yet suicidal in seattle, but i could be, if you really, really need it. btw, KEXP DJ extraordinaire John Richards has been touting Page France & the Mugs of late – surely you are somehow responsible for this.

  13. Cat Power Avatar
    Cat Power

    I may not be “The Greatest,” but you guys are definitely “Not Not Douchbags.”

  14. My copy of iLife ’06 landed at my office on Monday morning, as stated by Apple and UPS. My SuperDrive has been on the fritz lately. So early Monday morning before work I did a little work to get to the bottom of the drive’s problems. I didn’t want to get home that night and not be able to install the new iLife ’06 suite.

    The symptom was that discs were mounting (appearing on the desktop) when I inserted them in to my SuperDrive. I eventually figured out how to manually mount them, and mounted a few discs. The looked like they were mounting OK, but they’d error out when I tried to access them. It was a little louder than normal, so after a couple different discs I happened to notice the bottom of one of the discs. It was completely destroyed. The drive scoured a circular pattern of gouges starting in the center of the discs, and worked it’s way outward about half an inch.

    As upset as I was, I was a little relieved to find this out BEFORE I loaded my iLife disc later that night. The disc arrived at work as planned and I borrowed an external USB2/firewire DVD-R/CDRW drive from a co-worker who didn’t need it anyway because it was giving him problems on his Linux box at work (we both run Linux on our workstations at work).

    So I installed iLife ’06 on Monday night after all. I couldn’t find the right firewire cable so I had to use USB. Unfortunately my dual G4 1.25 (with a 23 inch Apple LCD) has USB 1.x, which meant that my install of iLife ’06 that was seven GB took most of the night. I didn’t get to even play with it until Tuesday morning, but that was only for a few minutes (just like this morning) because I didn’t get up early enough before work. I still haven’t had more than ten uninterrupted minutes with iLife ’06, but I still wanted to report back to anyone who’s interested to tell them what I’ve found so far.

    GarageBand is even more wonderful than before. I record music at the house with my guitar and a mic. Most of it is experimental/indie/electronic music. What I mean by that is it’s not easily classified. Although I have all the JamPacks and add-ons, I don’t use canned sounds or loops. I record all my own noise or riffs or chords and vocals and layer them together. GarageBand makes this very easy. I’ve used so many other apps in the past, on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, but nothing lets me focus on my music better than GarageBand. It takes the layer of geek out of the equation and lets you worry about what’s important — the music.

    This latest version of GarageBand does a better job of letting you focus on the music. It takes some pop-up dialog boxes and nestles them in to a new sidebar on the right. Now when I want to tweak the settings on an instrument I can leave the Track Info sidebar open on the right and play with options without having to leave the little track info window on top of everything else. It has some new instruments as well as a whole new side that relates to podcasts and radio programming.

    The new podcasting and radio programming features seem very interesting. The basic premise of recording still applies, but now podcasts have their own instrument category, with presets for a variety of different vocal personalities. For instance, when you’re setting up a “Real Instrument” track to use a microphone, the podcasting category has options for male and female that offer filtering for noisy sources and various types of microphones, including the built-in iSight Microphone. You now have the ability to take a voice feed from an iChat session. This brings me to an interesting point about the whole suite of iLife ’06. There’s embedded cooperation/compatibility between all the apps that never quite existed like this before. For instance, when you’re doing your podcast in GarageBand, you have a Media Browser sidebar that provides embedded access to your iTunes Library; iPhoto Library; and your movie collection from all the related apps. This means you don’t have to open iTunes to browse to the songs you want to input in to your podcast (or song that you’re recording/re-mixing). You have readily available access to all of your digital media for inclusion in your podcast. For example, if you’re doing chapters in your podcast, like the Podshow Music Rewind, you never really have to leave GarageBand to find the artwork to embed in the chapters.

    I tried iWeb as well, and I’m actually impressed for what it is. This isn’t an all encompassing web design suite. This is simply an easy way for typical Mac users to share their digital creations with the rest of the world. All the templates for sites include pages for podcasts, photo libraries, movies and blogs. It easily updates links and link names dynamically as you add new content. It automatically creates a subscribe to link for your podcasts and blog-rss feeds, and it integrates with iTunes, GarageBand, and iPhoto in much the same manner that I described GarageBand.

    While I don’t see an easy way for me to use iWeb, because I use a CMS called drupal that helps me manage many blogs, audio feeds, photo albums, etc for my family and I — I can definitely see the potential. It provides an easy way to either publish your works to your .Mac site or a local folder which can either be shared through a local web server or can be uploaded to your real external website.

    I don’t have time to go on any further, but I have so much more to say about it. I need to go get ready for work. Hopefully everyone gets a chance to check out iLife ’06. It’s a really cool suite of apps that seems to be growing up.

  15. In the last two months I've deleted the entire contents of two hard drives on my personal computers and brought this large hairy dog into my home all because I felt like something was missing in my life. Now I can't find the contents of my address book, I'm missing half the apps I use on a daily basis, and my house reeks of dirty dog.

    It turns out I was just missing TUTT.

  16. You know, I really like the cat power track and I hold a personal belief that josiah isn’t really in touch with his feminine side. You know, that part of a man that makes him dress up in heels and pretend he is his mother all day. Regardless, the song is freaking beautiful, tragic, and killer…just like josiah and ben in one of those funny jumbo dresses with two head holes…you know one of those moo-moos they make for siamese twins?

  17. Yeah boy! We are back and we aren’t going anywhere… although we might need a dog!? Seth you are right on about Josiah, he does think he is his mother and often will bring over a bunt cake to eat before the show while we have our high tea. He is a pansy!

    Oh and pansy, are you free next week to record a show Byshp commands it!

  18. Just Josiah Avatar
    Just Josiah

    Yes. You are all weirdos. Free next tuesday, wednesday and sunday.

  19. The SADD and I have known each other for a while, so now I'm digging out from under it…

    I'm remiss in not saying THANK YOU for the song you played for me in your Thanksgiving episode! I loved it! So, huge belated thanks. You and Diane are so good to us– WE LOVE YOU! And we love TUTT. Guys, your show is so refreshingly better than… you know… just about everything else.

    Your Ben and Diane dynamic, by the way, reminded me of us. Know what I mean? Like a wierd power struggle of being dismissive, goofy, interrupting… funny!

    Ben– tried and tested cure for your cold– drink a glass of water an hour!

  20. Glass of water an hour! If it were bourbon I'd be Dean Martin.

    Thanks for all the kind words Jessica! It mad a sick day in a little cheerier.

  21. nice work once again. i am always looking forward to your show.
    the kexp seattle podcast played the same Page Francis song on their new show.
    no point. just love the song.
    i have started playing your show over the speakers in my coffee/beer/wine/music venue,
    customer requests come in everyday for me to play the new one.
    lets just say that in Spokane, WA on any given day you have at the least 15-20 people laughing at your show and
    digging for a pen to write down the show list.
    thank you for the music, laughs, and urges to drink.

  22. PK! That is probably the best comment I have ever read! Absolutely amazing! To think that this little show could muster it’s way all the way out to Spokane is incredible. Thank you so much for listening and for giving us such kind words of encouragement!

    Thanks to everybody. I am excited to be back from California and will get a new show up shortly!

  23. Just Josiah Avatar
    Just Josiah

    Ditto, Benny!

  24. My top 10 fave TUTT tracks EVER:

    – Rogue Wave "Endless Shovel"

    – Viva Voce "One In Every Crowd"

    – Luke Temple "Someone, Somewhere"

    – Spinto Band "Oh Mandy"

    – Kelly Clarkson/American Analog Set mashup

    – Crystal Skulls "Airport Motels"

    – Bloc Party "Basquet (Remix)"

    – Stars "Ageless Beauty"

    – Cloud Cult "Outside Of Your Skin"

    – Robbers On High Street "Japanese Girls"

    Thank you TUTT for showing me great new songs for my iPod and heart!!!!

  25. If it were bourbon, you’d be me.

  26. Mr Pants Avatar
    Mr Pants

    New Show!! Yay, Yay!!

    Loving the podcasts, fellas.

  27. Guys, it’s great to have you back. Don’t worry about the down tempo playlist; you can’t scare me, I used to work for Leonard Cohen. Did you see that Cat Power was both on Rolling Stone and the front page of AOL this week? I expect the stock market to go down now. Remember that your family are not the only ones who care…