BBC “London rocked by terror attacks”


After the good news that London would hold the 2012 Olympics, this morning news came in that was not good. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with being a New Yorker, or that I have family and friends in London, or that after living through 9/11 here in NYC, or that I’m a human being but terrorism really disturbs me. It makes me really angry and upset.

It’s hard to keep back the tears.

This news of renewed terrorism attacks is particularly disconcerting as our bullshit war in the middle east rages on against Iraqis, whilst al-Qaeda who have taken responsibility for these attacks go on without reprimand. If we had our priorities in the right place from the beginning, this may never have happened.

My heart goes out to all my fellow urbanites.

p(update). All family and friends accounted for, Although my cousin was on the tube close to the attacks, but while shaken, is thankfully alright.


3 responses to “BBC “London rocked by terror attacks””

  1. Funkymonkey Avatar

    I'm from Manchester, UK and a regular listener to your *awesome* podcast. I was shocked and upset by the events of Thursday, but i've been genuinely warmed by the sentiments that have been expressed from all over the world. We won't let these pricks get us down. Here is a great site I came across:

    All the great people who have showed their support really means a lot – there a lot more good, honest, decent people in the world than there are these mindless idiots.

    Rock on guys!

  2. Hi Ben! Thanks for the London message. It's been very surreal here. People have stayed positive. I cycled in and out of town on Thursday and I even saw a band playing on the streets, trying to cheer people up as they walked home. It has pulled Londoners together.

    Plus you beat me to playing sufjan stevens on my next show! He's a wonderful artist. I had the pleasure of seeing him play a very small show last year here. He pretty much spends about 5 minutes a song, explaining what it is about which is so cool…..

    Take care,


  3. Glad your cosuin is OK, Ben. So weird to see this happen to London…. I was just there (and Manchester incidentally, Funky) in March.