If you have been reading my site for a while, you might remember the switch from StudioM11 where my site was called Fun Time Tree House to this address UptheTree.com. This transition was an attempt to start over and discover anew what my site could become. This, as you may have concluded, was a crock of shit. The only person writing on this site is me, so if I move, my baggage moves too.
Last night, on freak chance, I came across an invite to the “Photobloggers2”:http://www.rion.nu/nyc2/ event that was happening at the Apple store down in SoHo. Photoblogging is one of the new forms blogging has taken in recent years, comprising people who post photographs instead of conventional text entries. I had been interested in the photolog format, but couldn’t keep the inertia of my own photolog together in order stay afloat.
The presentation was very interesting. I realized that photologers have three very different camps on photography there are:
* The Gear Heads – Technophiles and Dorks
* The Photographers – Can wax philosophical about a wide angle lens indefinitely
* The Snapshotters – People who couldn’t care less what camera they have as long as it takes pictures
The cross overs were really interesting, none more so than Eliot Shepard, who I pegged as a photographer who’s entire presentation was about the piece of software he wrote to handle his photographs. Eliot’s site “Slower.net”:http://slower.net is one of the few websites I check daily and consider him to be one of the most talented photographers in New York.
Later at the after party I approached Eliot and we spoke about his photographs and his presentation. I was completely floored. He was really friendly and opened up about his photography. It was then as I was saying goodnight, that he pulled over his now fiance “KDunk”:http://www.morethandonuts.blogspot.com/ and said
bq. “hey this guys from park slope too. what’s your site’s name?”
“up the tree?”
I could tell from their expressions that they had no idea about my site.
“I used to have a weblog called, ” I said “Fun Time Tree House.”
Both of their faces lit up.
“Funtime Ben! It is you.”
Now, I’m not saying that *Up the Tree* doesn’t rock, but I think it’s about damn time I put my leather jacket back on and revive my namesake Funtime Ben. Hell I called my site up the tree to reference my old site, I just never realized that the name had such clout!