Category: Technology
Do It Yourself Home Recording Studio
Just to clarify things, putting together a home studio is my first attempt at any musical recording outside of recoding on a hand held tape recorder, I am not a professional. The way I’m approaching it is to look at my influences, see how they recorded, and try to reproduce it in my budget and…
My New Garage Band
“GarageBand,”: the latest and, hopefully, greatest new application from “Apple”: arrives on Friday and promises to be a hoot to play with. The basic premise behind GarageBand is that you can create music on your Mac without any musical training at all. The concept has been around a while, but Apple always seems to deliver…
Apple, iPod Mini, and HP
So, everybody else is talking about it, why don’t I enter the fray and publish my opinions about the new “iPod Mini”: and the seeming disapproval of many diehard mac enthusiasts. Contrary to popular belief, the iPod Mini is priced perfectly in the “MP3 player market.”: Sure there’s people who are saying that a $250…
Mirazon’s Cinematize 1.0
So, back in college you created your own adaptation of _The Lord of The Rings_ on a film camera you borrowed from the AV department. You were so proud of your gem that you paid the exorbitent price to get your movie burned onto a DVD, so eventually you could send it to studios to…
iTunes For You Guys
If you haven’t heard already, Apple has just released a windows version of “iTunes,”: free of charge. It’s filled with the same great features that made it an instant success on the Mac platform. Did I mention it’s free? It makes MP3s and AACs (MP4) free of any charge. What are you waiting for?