I Love Anthony Johnson… But He Worries Me


Now don’t get me wrong… I think Anthony is a brilliant musician who deserves “every praise he gets.”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/mercury2005/story/0,16197,1564286,00.html I worry about the lad is all. In the same way Robert Smith from the Cure worries me.

I get the sense they could commit great bodily harm to themselves with crullers.


3 responses to “I Love Anthony Johnson… But He Worries Me”

  1. Hahahahahaha that is the funniest comment ever. It was so incredibly funny it made me write a comment.

    Ouch my sides.

  2. man, he looks like the gollum dude dressed up as cathy bates.

  3. I think I peed my pants when I just read that!