Happy Valentines Day from Tracks Up the Tree

!https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/IMG_0098.jpg(Ben, Josiah, and Diane)!

From Josiah, Funtime Diane, and Funtime Ben… Will you be our Valentine?

*We HEART You*


6 responses to “Happy Valentines Day from Tracks Up the Tree”

  1. Ben this is my Valentine's present to you (sorry Diane, I, um will not be the gift giver): http://www.steakandbjday.com/

  2. Holy shit. I forgot alllll about that pic…and that night. Funtimes. Funtimes. See you guys real soon!

  3. I'm in. Can I bring my husband?

  4. What an energetic show! Production is kicking ass at TUTT…

    So, Helio Sequence makes it's 4th podcast appearance? Nice…Been hearing them everwhere since Jade Tree became all warm and cozy to Podcasting…

    Keep rockin;
    jason/insomnia radio

  5. Yeah, we are making leaps and bounds now with how the show is produced. Hopefully we can get a few sponsors to pay for all this bandwidth!

  6. I love TUTT! Sorry it took so long to mention but I have been listening to the show now for three weeks AND- I got a whole bunch o-too-cool-for-school williamsburgers to listen and they love ya Benny! But I have to say in thinking about it- yup, sometimes I push the button at the elevator- =( I'm sorry-its a tick. xoxoxoxoxo