Say Hello Swingers!

p=. !!:

*Played on todays show*

# “Les Os”: – “Unicorns”: – Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone? – “Alien 8 Records”:/
# “Not Not Nervous”: – “Get Him Eat Him”:
# “This Is What It Is”: – “Nina Nastasia”: – The Blackened Air
# The Way We Get By – “Spoon”: – Kill the Moonlight – “Merge Records”:

*In the Cast*

* We endorse “John Kerry”: and remind everybody to vote November 2nd
* “This American Life”: and thier “CD I spoke about”:
* “Evil Genius Chronicles”:
* “The New, New Podcast Review”:
* Tinker Bell Holloween Costume with bum showing… no link yet :(