Living the Vida Loca

Alright! Well we are now full swing into the podcasting thing her at Up the Tree with my new radio show Tracks Up the Tree. Although I have run into a few problems along the way, I am committed to making this thing work out. I am planning on a new show tonight with a new USB headset I bought to make my life easier.

However, there will be a few changes, namely the music. A few people, in a few circles, have commented about putting copywritten material in these Podcast. The consensus has been it is definitely not legal and does break copyright. This is a major blow to the show which strives to bring to your ears things you may not have heard before. I know you are probably saying “but Funtime Ben, aren’t you advertising for bands by playing their music?” or even “but Funtime Ben the quality of your recordings is below the quality file traders use, how could they lump you in with those people?”

The answer is, unless you are a lawyer and would like to defend me for free, this technology is so new that nobody knows how to classify it yet. Neither do I. As I will go into greater detail tonight, the format for this show will change, but hopefully I can bypass the RIAA thing with a little poetic license on _tracks._ We shall have to see.

The other good news is that my 2 Podcast episodes have been downloaded to the tune of 4 Gigs worth of bandwidth. which is very cool considering it’s only been up for a little over a week.