Styles Galore

As you may have noticed, I have done some redecorating around here. There is now a *switcher* in the upper right hand corner, for any of you who might object to the new look and want my _Classic_ styling. To each his (or her) own.

Tell me what you think, or if it looks really bad in your modern web browser drop me a line. As always we prefer if you view the website in “Firefox”: but life is imperfect.

Yes, unfortunately not everything went as smoothly as planned. My individual entries are not working right. I am working on it as fast as possible. I hope to have it all sorted out soon.


11 responses to “Styles Galore”

  1. You are so VERY fancy.

  2. I am, amen't I!

  3. hey – just heard your music! Will there be another open mic/microphone night? Have you ever considered posting your lyrics?

  4. Ben,

    Your design is clean.
    It has nice lines and
    a wonderful teal gradient.

    If only love could be this perfect.

    Seriously, I think…I like…it…maybe???
    Well I can't really talk, cause
    I suck way more at design.


  5. i love change. change is where its at.

  6. your tree is so modern!

  7. I must be lame.

    I switched it the plain vanilla version and now it won't switch back.

  8. Ritamarie Avatar

    I switched to the plain version too…how do I get fancy again?

  9. Look into the upper right, it should say *Switcher*

  10. OK, I'm really really lame. Can't find the Switcher link in the plain version.

  11. You are not alone, Arnold. No switcher on mine either. Stuck in plain land.