
  • Bonsai Contracts

    Bonsai provides freelance work contract templates for creative freelancers like designers and developers. Sounds pretty cool, will give it a try on our next project for sure.

  • How to Pickle Basically Everything

    Besides my liver, I really don’t pickle much of anything. But reading Epicurious’ How to Pickle Basically Everything, I am ready to put my powers of pickling to more positive uses.

  • Monoid

    Monoid is a “customizable, minimal + legible font optimized for coding. It’s customisable with ligatures, alternates and class based positioning.” More than that, it is an Open Source monospace font (similar to Source Code Pro) and seems, at least at smaller sizes, to have a plesant tech-focused character.

  • Screenings

    Screenings is a new site that collects presentations and talks on design. A great resource for anyone needing a mid-day kick in the ass to do more.

  • IM Creator XPS

    IM Creator’s XPS looks to be an interesting visual website design tool akin to Squarespace‘s visual editor. I have only used Squarespace on a handful of website and the biggest drawback is their monthly billing over buying the software outright. XPS seems to be more affordable for developers and has a great free option for students…