Category: Everyday

  • Picturefill

    Picturefill gets an update to make it work with newest webkit nightlies. 

  • A standing desk for $22

    I’ve been contemplating a standing desk for a while, but the $500+ cost for an all in one unit is a little daunting, so this $22 version looks like a possible option.

  • Vivaldi Web Browser

    Vivaldi is a new web browser, built with the purpose of making your internet surfing easier. The only downside right now is that it doesn’t have the extensions I need, but an interesting project.

  • Happy New Year 2015

    I can’t believe that 2014 is done. It has been one hell of a year; I got married, started teaching, and really started taking my career seriously. Each one of these are worth going into in great depth… but I won’t. Thanks for being awesome and catching up! How are you guys?

  • Jodorowskys Dune

    Jodorowskys Dune is a new documentary by Frank Pavich about the singular vision, of Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky, to make Dune into a film. From the trailer the visuals for the 1975 movie would have been breathtaking. This looks like an amazing story. Opens today in select theaters in NY and LA.