Voxtrot – Raised By Wolves EP



:4 Stars:

2005 on Cult Hero Records

Packing in the polish you might expect from veteran musicians, Austin Texas’ Voxtrot sparkle on their debut effort Raised By Wolves EP available for order at voxtrot.net. The 5 track EP shines from it’s opening track Raised by Wolves, it’s well manicured playing and confident vocals avoids easy formula for a complex arrangement of British pop inspired layered guitar and drum and the theme continues through the rest of the album. The 60s pop inspired Start of Something with the lead singer Ramesh’s Morresy like crooning also stands out as a uniquely catchy track while not being derivative. Each track on the EP is a truly impressive.


However, the real treat is for those that attend their live shows which are truly impressive. The band is tight and has an honesty which is intoxicating. The band comes off much more like siblings than band mates. The lead singer Ramesh Srivastava has a presence which is deceptively innocent as his voice carries sweet sophisticated melodies while bunny hopping from note to note.

Check their website for tour dates.

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It:

Three Imaginary Girls

Mundane Sounds

Austin Chronicle


7 responses to “Voxtrot – Raised By Wolves EP”

  1. I have a wee crush on Funtime Diane. She reminds me of one of those spunky New York actress types. All beauty, style, and attitude!

  2. Funtime Diane Avatar
    Funtime Diane

    I have a wee crush on the bass player. He reminds me of Bud Cort.

  3. Funtime Diane Avatar
    Funtime Diane

    Awww, shucks a roo! I have a crush on you too, and on Jess, of course. You remind me of one of those super cool families one might see out and about–awesome parents raising awesome kids. My heart brimmith over with luv. And admiration. Dang, let’s plan a hug fest.

  4. Funtime Diane Avatar
    Funtime Diane

    Oh for the love of Pete. I think we should plan one for the Fall!!! Yea hooraaaayyy!!!

  5. You know BEN was supposed to plan a philly hug fest!

  6. psst…i love you erlend oye…i mean, too-cool-for-school, "just phonin' this in" voxtrot lead guitarist. and funtime diane's right – the bass player *does* look like bud cort. and the drummer looks like ben gibbard! whoa – maybe voxtrot's actually the incognito project of famous indie rockers + one 70s arthouse cult favorite actor!

  7. I think you may be onto something… or on something depending on how you look at it. I wholeheartedly agree either way!