!(photo left)https://www.upthetree.com/wp-uploads/cbseatapr05.jpg(Catbirdseat)!:http://www.catbirdseat.org/catbirdseat/ The new Catbird Seat April Playlist is up and makes a beautiful day even more spectacular. This playlist is another spectacular sampling of obscure indie artists who deserve play.
The Seat playlist looks like:
# Compass – “Okay”:http://www.absolutelykosher.com/marty.html
# Iron Woman – “Devin Davis”:http://www.devindaviswebsite.com/home.html
# The World May Never Know – “Dr. Dog”:http://www.parkthevan.com/
# Concerning Lessons Learned… – “The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers”:http://www.prayersandtears.com/
# Funeral – “Band of Horses”:http://www.bandofhorses.com/
# Television Set – “Joel Plaskett”:http://www.joelplaskett.com/
# Oh, Oh, Oh – “Blood Meridian”:http://www.bloodmeridianmusic.com/
# Now We Know – “Jeff Hanson”:http://www.jeffhanson.net/
# Bitter Cup – “Testface”:http://www.testface.com/
# Against Pollution – “The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers”:http://www.prayersandtears.com/
# Monsters – “Band of Horses”:http://www.bandofhorses.com/
Man! I only know -two- three out of the ten artists. I better go hit the books. What was your score?
7 responses to “Goodie Goodie Catbird April”
i know 1. :/ and only cos you played them the other week. i guess i get the wooden spoon
I only know 1 also, but that's because the cousin of one of favorite teachers is in Dr. Dog. Oh well.
aah, i was listening to the Okay track, and i thought, 'i recognise this voice' and its the singer from Howard Hello. so i kind of know 2 now. and if you dont know who Howard Hello are, go and check them out before the earth crashes into the sun. here are some sample tracks bitches xx.
My score is set firmly at 1, though the 1 is Prayers and Tears of A.D.S. and since there are two songs by that group on the playlist, I'll say I know two. So there! Don't tell anyone.
Hey, go to jumpcut.libsyn.com and I'll play some movie music for you! Isn't that special?
Alright, so I downloaded the whole list and have since fallen in love with nearly every single band on the list! I bought the albums by Prayers and Tears of A.D.S. and Devin Davis (who, by the way, is awesome purely because he has the same first name as me!) Ben, how did you find out about Catbirdseat?
Um, well… Can’t quite remember how I originally found Catbird Seat. I think I was tooling around one of the MP3 blogs and saw a link and then was attracted by the little catbird seat playlist icon. The rest is history. It sort of opened my eyes a bit regarding indie music and was, as I mentioned way back on show 1, why I started my podcast. See how the world comes full circle?
Glad you like the seat and the rocking music. Keep up your filmcast, I have been enjoying them.
I went to highschool with Joel Plaskett (12 years ago). He definitely rocks! Halifax, Nova Scotia has some great artists!
You definitely are good at finding music that other people like! Please keep it up!