Bye Bye Photolog, Hello Photostack

You may have noticed that my while my weblog’s entries are down, my photolog’s entries are… kaput. It’s not that I’m not taking photo’s, but the process of getting them ready to be viewed is a pain in the ass and only allows for 1 photo at a time.

*Untill Now*

Welcome into my life Photostack! With “photostack”: I can create whole albums of photos, upload a few, add to albums… you name it I can do it. So be prepared for some fireworks… or at lead a photo or 2.

For all of those who were in love with the old photos, well I have moved them over into a past section which should supply you with a good 4 minutes of fun. I have edited out the photos that I don’t like anymore and the nude pictures of me.

So, onto the photos!


2 responses to “Bye Bye Photolog, Hello Photostack”

  1. There weren’t any nekkid pics! I think.