Month: February 2004

  • Cutting off the Spam

    You may have noticed that most of the open comments on this website have been closed. The unfortunate part of having a website where people can comment is that it is basically a free way for spammers to advertise. The way it worked is the spammers would use an old entry of mine and fill…

  • Baked Potato

    Later that evening the scientist, after a particularly boring award ceremony where he was not honored, looked through his telescope at the night sky and discovered a new asteroid floating through space. Even-though he had never had an asteroid named after him, he decided to call the asteroid baked potato, just to stir things up…

  • Baby you can’t drive my car

    Anyone who knows me well enough, knows I don’t have a drivers license. This often comes as a shock to most people, likening it to being illiterate. The truth of the matter is I know how to drive, but it’s the test I don’t know how to take. I have procrastinated so long in getting…

  • The Argument Dance

    You may notice that most amateur recordings often have a lower volume than professionally produced albums. The reason for this is that the professional recordings have been professionally mastered. They have been basically adjusted to fit on a CD and to shine on the disc. My tracks have not, although I am learning fast and…

  • Sleeping late

    Weekend plans… sleeping late.