Indie Bands on

A few indie bands, such as Postal Service, Fruit Bats, Shins, among others, are making use of the popularity of BitTorrent to distribute some free tracks, videos, and promotional material to their fans. Dust off your BitTorrent client and get downloading.


5 responses to “Indie Bands on”

  1. Anyone notice that's new podcast starts out with somewhat tropical music, reminds me of something …

  2. j.dale perhaps a podcast that goes out every other month? ;-)

  3. maybe … what I'm thinking of usually has two plastered New Yorkers on it, so I'm not sure if we are speaking of the same thing.

  4. Miserable in FL Avatar
    Miserable in FL


    What's going on in the city this weekend? I moved up here and I'm going to the city this weekend to meet my brother who will be down from school. Do you have any ideas?

    — Jackson

  5. Happy in Northeast Avatar
    Happy in Northeast

    (I was previously known as Miserable in FL: I recently moved to the Northeast. I'm living in CT right now: a short train ride from NYC!)

    I am imagining my voice echoing across a vast, empty hall, "Hello?! Is anybody there?"

    Ben! What's going on? I guess you've been busy, otherwise I would have expected at least a peep from you by now. Do you have a new show coming up soon?

    I caught half of treewave at vertexlist last weekend, and I'm gonna go see the spinto band tonight. I'm loving it up here so far. Can you recommend any good sites for music and entertainment in manhattan or the rest of the burroughs?