TUTT: Curses Galore (The R Rated Episode)

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IT’S A FULL SHOW!!! Yes you heard me right. Josiah and I come together for show 24 with bells and whistles on… although Josiah curses up a storm along the way. *Warning this show is not suitable for minors due to strong language and childish humor.*

h4. Played on Todays Show

# “Regime”:http://www.snowglobemusic.com/main.php – “Snowglobe”:http://www.snowglobemusic.com/ – Doing The Distance
# “Why Be So Curious? (Part 3)”:http://www.yeproc.com/artist_info.php?artistId=169&page=music – “The Sadies”:http://www.thesadies.net/ – http://music.download.com
# Dirty Lives – “Love As Laughter”:http://www.subpop.com/scripts/main/bands_page.php?id=137 – Laughter’s Fifth
# Akka Raga – “Wellwater Conspiracy”:http://www.nowinvisibly.com/ – Declaration Of Conformity
# “Skywriting”:http://music.download.com – “Eels”:http://www.eelstheband.com/ – http://music.download.com
# Mumble Mumble – “Get Him Eat Him”:http://www.gethimeathim.com/ “(Their Blog)”:http://www.gethimeathim.com/sammiches/ – Geography Cones

h4. Mentioned on Todays Show

* Josiah finds a new job
* “iTunes 4.9 will have Podcast abilities built in”:http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2005/05/podcast_support.html
* The $1 Poem
* Eels – Blinking Lights and Other Revelations
* “Celebrate Brooklyn”:http://www.brooklynx.org/celebrate/schedule.asp and the get together on Saturday, June 25 – 7:30PM – New Pornographers / Stars / The Sadies


10 responses to “TUTT: Curses Galore (The R Rated Episode)”

  1. To sleep–perchance to dream: ay, *there's the rub,*

    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

    Must give us pause. There's the respect

    That makes calamity of so long life.


    jeesh josiah… don't you have to study english to ger one o' dem dare degrees

  2. I might pay $2 for that poem.

  3. Yahoooo!!! (not the company.. the sound of joy!) Freakin awesome, I like the R rated episode it makes me smile. The randoms on 8th ave must think i'm on drugs as spontanious laughter is emitted from my facial orifice when Benny rips his zipper on his jeans. W00t Yeah!

    I feel soo giddy, giddy like a school girl! (wait, did I just say that out loud?) Oh bother.

  4. Ben from Tenn Avatar
    Ben from Tenn

    -Why no band web links in the show notes???- Good show guys.

    p(update). Notes are all in place – sorry about that.

  5. Once again, Funtime Ben and Josiah rock the podcasting world! Noone else comes close!

  6. Funtime Diane Avatar
    Funtime Diane

    Mikey, I luv you, for many reasons, but particularly for using a “Pooh-ism”

    *Oh bother!*

    _P.S. I have a penchant for spelling honey, “hunny”_

  7. I love your Podcasts guys! Keep them coming. =)

  8. Cool. I could sure use $2.

    You can just paypal it to me.


  9. YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wuz worrid thar.

    As u wir.

  10. It was indeed a good podcast. HOWEVER, I think Robyn Williams deserves alot of the credit. She could be poet loreate for George W.'s admin. Make it a re-occuring segment!