Month: June 2003

  • It’s Not Phair

    Intrigued with the prospect of a new Liz Phair album coming out _(June 24)_, I decided to pop my ass over to the “Capitol Records”: website to see if they had any samples. You know, to wet the appetite as it were. *Boy did they.* 3 tracks later, I sat in front of my computer,…

  • Validate Me Please!

    *WARNING: This entry is extremely dorky, please be careful.* Well, after reading “Designing with Web Standards”: by “Jeffery Zeldman,”: I have finally updated my HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) and Stylesheet to be fully compliant with the “World Wide Web Consortium.”: To the untechnical this is the equivalent to assembling an IKEA table, finding out you…

  • Web Design

    On “Ultramicroscopic,”: one of my new favorite weblogs concerning design, a recent entry has sparked a fuse in my aging brain and I thought I would use the comment I left on this site as a springboard for a more technical entry today. bq. late last year zeldman did a public redesign of his site.…

  • I Be Illin’

    I don’t think this is what Run D.M.C. had in mind when they wore their huge gold chains. I feel like crap and no amount of chicken soup is going to make me feel better. I’m sick. Red nosed, stuffy headed, and temperature running sick. *This is what I get.* I stand out in the…

  • Lunchtime Karma

    Sometimes, when you see a waitress trying to remove a giant dragonfly from her broom by scraping the dragonfly across the pavement, you have to step in and take the insect across the street to Union Square Park for release. _(I actually stepped in when a cute little old man suggested removing the dragonfly from…